Présentation de 8938.jps

input exteps prologues:=2; beginfig(1); begineps "pallej.eps"; base := (25,25); clipping := true; grid := true; epsdrawdot(36pct,80pct) withpen pencircle scaled 10pct withcolor blue; epsdrawdot(60.5pct,80pct) withpen pencircle scaled 10pct withcolor blue; epsdraw (35pct,60pct)..(48pct,54pct){right}..(61pct,60pct) withpen pencircle scaled 2pct withcolor red; endeps; draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 50 withcolor red + green; endfig; beginfig(2); begineps "pallej.eps"; base := (25,25); clipping := true; clippath := (50pct,10pct)..(15pct,70pct)..(50pct,130pct)..(85pct,70pct)..cycle; epsdraw clippath withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor blue; endeps; endfig; beginfig(3); begineps "pallej.eps"; base := (25,25); clipping := false; grid := true; clippath := (50pct,10pct)..(15pct,70pct)..(50pct,130pct)..(85pct,70pct)..cycle; clip epspicture to clippath; epsdraw clippath withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor blue; endeps; endfig; beginfig(4); begineps "pallej.eps"; base := (25,25); clipping := true; clippath := (50pct,10pct)..(15pct,70pct)..(50pct,130pct)..(85pct,70pct)..cycle; endeps; endfig; beginfig(5); begineps "pallej.eps"; base := (25,25); clipping := true; epsdrawdot(36pct,80pct) withpen pencircle scaled 10pct withcolor blue; epsdrawdot(60.5pct,80pct) withpen pencircle scaled 10pct withcolor blue; epsdraw (35pct,60pct)..(48pct,54pct){right}..(61pct,60pct) withpen pencircle scaled 2pct withcolor red; endeps; endfig; beginfig(6); begineps "pallej.eps"; clipping := true; clippath := (20pct,40pct)--(80pct,40pct)--(80pct,110pct)--(20pct,110pct)--cycle; setbounds epspicture to clippath; scale := (1.5,1.5); grid := true; gridstep := 5; gridllx := 20; gridlly := 40; gridurx := 80; gridury := 110; endeps; endfig; end.